
We are proud to partner with people who are working to change what are often systemic drivers of inequality and injustice, shift perceptions or work towards a more sustainable planet.


Established in 2018, Luminate is a global philanthropic organisation with the goal of empowering people and institutions to work together to build just and fair societies. Luminate was founded by The Omidyar Group, established by philanthropists Pierre and Pam Omidyar. To date, Luminate's global work has supported 296 organisations, in 17 countries with over $378 million in funding.

We began working with Luminate in 2022 on a project to expand funding for addressing the harms of big tech in Europe.

Digital Action

Digital Action is a globally connected campaigning organisation established in 2019 to protect democracy and human rights from digital threats. As collaborative campaigners, they are catalysing movements that will protect people across the world from digital harms.

We worked with the CEO of Digital Action to develop and implement a donor engagement plan enabling the organisation to deliver on its new strategy.

"You helped me work through whatever challenges I was facing - from strategy, to overall framing, to wording..."

Liz Carolan
CEO, Digital Action

"You helped me work through whatever challenges I was facing - from strategy, to overall framing, to wording..."

Liz Carolan
CEO, Digital Action

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change supports political leaders and governments to build open, inclusive and prosperous societies in a globalised world. They do this through developing policy and advising governments.

Through and beyond the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we provided the partnerships team with surge capacity to meet their most pressing needs, from proposal development to team-building and researching the potential for new programmes and strategies.

"I've always gone to Jodie and her team first whenever I needed frank advice on fundraising strategy or additional hands-on capacity to get something done. It helps that we share similar values around working in service of other leaders - and an ambition to challenge and change the status quo."

Gbolahan Faleye
Executive Director, Global Business Development, TBI / Trustee, Stonewall

"I've always gone to Jodie and her team first whenever I needed frank advice on fundraising strategy or additional hands-on capacity to get something done. It helps that we share similar values around working in service of other leaders - and an ambition to challenge and change the status quo."

Gbolahan Faleye
Executive Director, Global Business Development, TBI / Trustee, Stonewall

Africa Donor Collective

Founded at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and incubated by Virgin Unite, the Africa Donor Collective is a network of more than 100 philanthropies and partners.

Today, the mission of the network is to catalyse and coordinate philanthropy and business mobilisation, to help strengthen Africa's public health systems and to mitigate the impacts of existing and future diseases on the continent's most vulnerable people.

We are working with Virgin Unite and partners to ensure this critical work continues through and beyond the pandemic.

"At a time when I was working through a lot of challenges and opportunities - I was fortunate to have a partner and advisor with the courage to speak up, even when that could have been a risk. Together we were able to put things into perspective, share a lot of laughter, and celebrate many successes."

Sahra Noor
Global Health Management and Innovation Advisor / Health Tech Start-Up CEO and Co-Founder